Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Days After...

I wondered how my first day back in the gym since last Friday would be.  It's been a LONG time since I've had a 3 day break from working out in the gym, but part of the reason I did 6 days in a row was that I knew I'd be tied up this weekend. And not just from celebrating!  I had a lot of plans, including grad school on Saturday.  Truly a busy schedule.  That happens sometimes, but it's never a good feeling to miss that many days in a row at the gym. (Did I really just say that?!?!)  So, tonight was a big deal for me.  I wanted to be careful with my knees, but I also wanted to work out hard and go after the next goals now that I've got the 100 under my belt.  (Which I TOTALLY wear now, btw...but that's a WHOLE other blog post about dressing this new body!!!) 

What I noticed right away working out on the elliptical was that I was moving easily...and fast...even on the higher tension I've been using lately to get my heart rate up higher.  So since I was feeling it, I decided to kick it up a notch and see if I could set a personal best on that machine for a mile.  I used intervals at the 1 minute, 3 minute, and 7 minute mark.  That last interval got me so close that I just kept on sprinting past the 8 minute mark until I reached the full mile.  At 8:11.  Which, for those of us keeping count is better by 11 seconds than my previous fast mile!

I'd say the days after reaching a big milestone are looking pretty amazing.  Just like the ones leading up to it.  What a ride!!!

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