Friday, September 30, 2011

There's a Reason the Pros are the Pros...

...and it's because we need them to be!  I know for sure that I do!  I'm betting that's true for you, too...

I met the personal trainer at my new gym today.  Angie is still my first and best trainer, but this session with the personal trainer was free, and I have a difficult time turning down the things that are free in life!  Especially the ones that are good for me.  And Trainer Mike fits that category!

Here's the deal.  I told him my entire knee history, what I thought I could do, what I thought I couldn't do.  And then he told me how it was gonna be!  LOL!!  He made me understand that I could safely work out my entire body, including my legs, while still protecting my knees from injury.  He showed me a way to keep my knees safe and still work my legs, arms, shoulders, back, and most especially, my core. 

Just the training on this new equipment this morning (not nearly a full workout!) caused a good burn as I learned how to correctly use various pieces of gym equipment so that I could work them into my routine.  I know I only met him this week, and he doesn't know me nearly as well as I know myself, or as well as Angie does...but he DOES know exercise and fitness programs.  And he knew a lot about the structure of my knees...or at least he asked questions that made it sound like he knew what he was doing. I trust him that he's going to try to push me to be better every day and do it in a safe way.

So, I'm thanking God for all the knowledgeable, wise, dedicated professional people he's put in my path on this journey.  Without Angie, I know I'd never be where I am now.  She is nothing short of a blessing from God in my life!  Trainer Mike was a great help today.  My primary care doc and my orthopaedist have cared for me and helped me through the pain of arthritis and managing it.  I'm surrounded by some true pros...and I'm so grateful for their support on my journey!

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